Impact model: BOATS

Fisheries (global)

The BiOeconomic mArine Trophic Size-spectrum (BOATS) model simulates the global fishery as a coupled ecological-economic system. The growth and reproduction of multiple fish size spectra are predicted at each grid cell on the globe from local water temperature and net primary production, which can be provided from observational data or a coupled biogeochemical-climate model (Carozza GMD 2016). The evolution of fishing effort in each grid cell occurs as a function of the economic profit (Carozza PLoS 2017).

Information for the model BOATS is provided for the simulation rounds shown in the tabs below. Click on the appropriate tab to get the information for the simulation round you are interested in.

Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Daniele Bianchi:, 0000-0002-6621-0858, UCLA (USA)
Eric Galbraith:, 0000-0003-4476-4232, McGill University (Canada)
Jerome Guiet:, UCLA (USA)
Additional persons involved: Kim Scherrer (
Output Data
Experiments: ssp585_2015soc-from-histsoc_default, picontrol_2015soc-from-histsoc_default, historical_histsoc_default, picontrol_histsoc_default, historical_nat_default, picontrol_nat_default, ssp126_2015soc-from-histsoc_default, ssp126_nat_default, ssp585_nat_default
Climate Drivers: GFDL-ESM4, IPSL-CM6A-LR
Date: 2021-08-11
Basic information
Model Version: BOATS-v1
Model Output License: CC0
Model Homepage:
Reference Paper: Main Reference: Carozza D, Bianchi D, Galbraith E et al. Formulation, General Features and Global Calibration of a Bioenergetically-Constrained Fishery Model. PLOS ONE,12,e0169763,2017
Reference Paper: Other References:
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Vertically resolved: No
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: monthly
Input data
Simulated atmospheric climate data sets used: IPSL-CM6A-LR (ocean), GFDL-ESM4 (ocean)
Was a spin-up performed?: Yes
Spin-up design: A 300years spin-up forced with forcings of the year 1950 was used to determine initial biomass and fish catch distribution.
Spatial resolution: 1°x1°
Temporal resolution: Monthly
Taxonomic scope: All commercial animal biomass from 10 g to 100 kg.
Spatial dispersal included: No
Is fishbase used for mass-length conversion?: No
Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Daniele Bianchi:, 0000-0002-6621-0858, UCLA (USA)
Eric Galbraith:, 0000-0003-4476-4232, McGill University (Canada)
Jerome Guiet:, UCLA (USA)
Output Data
Experiments: (*) obsclim_histsoc_1955-riverine-input, obsclim_nat_default, obsclim_nat_60arcmin, obsclim_nat_1955-riverine-input, obsclim_histsoc_60arcmin, obsclim_histsoc_default
Climate Drivers: GFDL-MOM6-COBALT2
Date: 2023-05-22
Basic information
Model Version: BOATS-v1
Reference Paper: Main Reference: Carozza D, Bianchi D, Galbraith E et al. Formulation, General Features and Global Calibration of a Bioenergetically-Constrained Fishery Model. PLOS ONE,12,e0169763,2017
Reference Paper: Other References:
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: monthly
Input data
Observed atmospheric climate data sets used: GFDL-MOM6-COBALT2 (ocean)
Was a spin-up performed?: Yes
Spatial resolution: 1°x1°
Temporal resolution: Monthly
Taxonomic scope: All commercial animal biomass from 10 g to 100 kg.
Spatial dispersal included: No
Is fishbase used for mass-length conversion?: No
Observed ocean climate data sets used: GFDL-MOM6-COBALT2 (ocean)
Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Eric Galbraith:, 0000-0003-4476-4232, McGill University (Canada)
Jerome Guiet:, UCLA (USA)
Output Data
Experiments: nobc_historical_wo-diaz_fishing, nobc_historical_wo-diaz_no-fishing, nobc_rcp26_wo-diaz_fishing, nobc_rcp26_wo-diaz_no-fishing, nobc_rcp45_wo-diaz_fishing, nobc_rcp45_wo-diaz_no-fishing, nobc_rcp60_wo-diaz_fishing, nobc_rcp60_wo-diaz_no-fishing, nobc_rcp85_wo-diaz_fishing, nobc_rcp85_wo-diaz_no-fishing
Climate Drivers: GFDL-ESM2M and IPSL-CM5A-LR (historical and future)
Date: 2021-12-07
Basic information
Simulation Round Specific Description: * Data in embargo period, not yet publicly available.
Was a spin-up performed?: Yes
Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Daniele Bianchi:, 0000-0002-6621-0858, UCLA (USA)
David Carozza:, 0000-0001-7343-9442, Universite du Quebec a Montreal (Canada)
Eric Galbraith:, 0000-0003-4476-4232, McGill University (Canada)
Output Data
Experiments: reana, scen
Climate Drivers: None
Date: 2017-01-20
Basic information
Model Version: BOATS-v1
Model Output License: CC0
Reference Paper: Main Reference: Carozza D, Bianchi D, Galbraith E et al. The ecological module of BOATS-1.0: a bioenergetically constrained model of marine upper trophic levels suitable for studies of fisheries and ocean biogeochemistry. Geoscientific Model Development,9,1545-1565,2016
Was a spin-up performed?: Yes
Spatial resolution: 1 degree
Temporal resolution: Monthly
Taxonomic scope: All consumers
Spatial dispersal included: No
Simulated ocean climate data sets used: GFDL-reanalysis (ocean)