ISIpedia - the open climate-impacts encyclopedia

ISIpedia at a glance

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ISIpedia is the outreach channel of ISIMIP presenting latest climate impact science in lay-man's terms. It is an online portal featuring national-level, cross-sectoral climate-impact assessments, based on state-of-the-art climate-impacts simulations from ISIMIP.

ISIpedia articles are written by scientists telling about the research process, the methods they apply, what we do not know and what we know for sure, and provide main findings and easily accessible data. The articles are meant to inform relevant stakeholders (e.g. from the financial sector, political decision makers, adaptation planners, etc.), journalists and the interested public. Thus, if you are interested in reaching out to an audience outside the scientific community by developing an ISIpedia article related to your scientific publications, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the ISIpedia editorial team. Please find some further information on how to get engaged here.

Right Picture: the Stakeholder Engagement Team & participants of the ISIpedia kick-off workshop (Oct., 2017). Left Picture: Kit Vaughan (former Director of CARE Internationals’s centre of expertise on climate change) addressing the ISIpedia stakeholders and impact modellers at the ISIpedia kick-off workshop (Oct., 2017).

ISIpedia kick-off Kit Vaughn
ISIpedia kick-off

The ISIpedia project

The ISIpedia portal was developed in the course of an Horizon 2020 project, lead by the ISIMIP organisation group at PIK, and was launched in June 2021 at The portal has been developed within the same-titled ERA4CS project which expired end of June 2021.

ISIpedia Work Packages

The ISIpedia project was organised into 3 work packages:

  • Stakeholder Engagement Team (SET, led by Climate Analytics) was responsible for ensuring that the needs and interest of end users are represented in every aspect of ISIpedia: design of the simulations, content of the impact assessments, and design of the online portal.
  • ISIMIP Team (led by PIK) was responsible for the cross-sectoral and sector-specific coordination of the ISIMIP climate-impacts simulations, as well as the overall ISIpedia project coordination.
  • Assessment & Editorial Team (AET, led by IIASA) was responsible for curating the content of the ISIpedia impact assessments, and for the online portal as a whole.

Stakeholder engagement

The Stakeholder Engagement Team was actively involved in the iterative rounds of design and provided feedback on the development of the ISIpedia portal.

Various groups of stakeholders familiar with ISIpedia commented on the usability of the portal to facilitate discussions on how to further refine the platform and the information it offers.

Responses from the ISIpedia Stakeholder survey and the webinars were directly fed into the wireframe development discussions. The Stakeholder survey reports from 2018 and 2020 can be found in the Fact sheets and documents section.


Stakeholder Engagement Team

Inga Menke

Quentin Lejeune


Katja Frieler (project leader)

Martin Park (project manager)

Editorial Team


Mahe Perrette

Consortium partners and funding bodies

ISIpedia is part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate with co-funding by the European Union (Grant 690462).

Principal investigator Role Partner institute Funding organisation
Dr. Katja Frieler (Lead Principle Investigator) Project leader, ISIMIP Team Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research Federal Ministry of Research & Education, Germany (BMBF)
Dr. Bill Hare SET Climate Analytics gGmbH Federal Ministry of Research & Education, Germany (BMBF)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Hickler ISIMIP Team (terrestrial biodiversity) Senckenberg Biodiversität und Klima Forschungszentrum Federal Ministry of Research & Education, Germany (BMBF)
Dr. Jochen Hinkel ISIMIP Team (coastal systems) Global Climate Forum Federal Ministry of Research & Education, Germany (BMBF)
Dr. Hannes Müller Schmied ISIMIP Team (water (global)) Goethe University, Frankfurt Federal Ministry of Research & Education, Germany (BMBF)
Dr. Eric Galbraith ISIMIP Team (marine ecosystems & fisheries) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Spain (MINECO)
Prof. Dr. Almut Arneth ISIMIP Team (agriculture) Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Federal Ministry of Research & Education, Germany (BMBF)
Dr. Philippe Ciais ISIMIP Team (biomes), AET Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France (ANR)
Dr. Joacim Rocklöv ISIMIP Team (vector-borne diseases & malnutrition) Umea University Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, Sweden (FORMAS)
Dr. Pena Ortiz & Dr. Veronika Huber ISIMIP Team (water-borne diseases & thermal stress) Universidad Pablo de Olavide Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Spain (MINECO)
Prof. Dr. Detlef van Vuuren & Dr. Michelle van Vliet ISIMIP Team (econmic integration & energy) Utrecht University The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, The Netherlands (NWO)
Dr. Yoshihide Wada AET International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH (FFG) / Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung, Austria