ISIMIP Community Awards are given to modelers who put a lot of effort into advancing the mutual goals of ISIMIP.

In 2024, the awards have been given to most engaged modelers in three categories, to sector coordinators who left, or who will leave soon, as well as to a member of the ISIMIP Data-team for his relentless efforts preparing socioeconomic input data sets.

Sector Coordinators leaving/having left

  • Rafa Marcé (Lakes)
  • Christian Hof (Biodiversity)
  • Hannes Müller-Schmied (Water global)
ISIMIP award 2024

Maillot jaune - the most complete ISIMIP data submission

  • Yusuke Satoh (MIROC-INTEG-LAND/MATSIRO, water global)
  • Naota Hanasaki (H08, water global)
  • Sebastian Ostberg (LPJmL, biomes, fire, agriculture, water-global, permafrost)

Maillot blanc - Young researchers

  • Jorrit Mesman (Simstrat-LER, GOTM-LER, GLM-LER, FLake-LER, Lakes-local)
  • Johannes Feldbauer (Simstrat-LER, GOTM-LER, GLM-LER, FLake-LER, Lakes-local)
  • Sian Kou-Giesbrecht (CLASSIC, biomes, fire)
  • Qing Zhu (ELM-ECA, biomes, fire, permafrost, water-global)
  • Amit Kumar (drought in water-regional and water-global)
maillot blanc

Maillot vert - fastest quality check

  • Zeli Tan (ALBM, lake global and local)
mailllot vert

Maillot à pois rouges - Solving the adaptation problem

  • Jan Volkholz (ISIMIP data team)
maillot a pois rouges

New Sector Coordinators

  • Matthew Forrest (Fire)
  • Francesco Colelli (Energy Fluctuations and Extremes)
  • Ana Ayala-Zamora (Lakes)
  • Robert Ladwig (Lakes)
  • Rohini Kumar (Water quality)
  • Inge de Graaf (Groundwater)

looking forward to the next round of community awards in 2025...

The 2023 Awards have been given for great efforts in creating Direct Human Forcing (DHF) input data, and the winners are:

  • Land-use
  • Edna J. Molina Bacca
  • Miodrag Stevanović
  • Louise Parsons Chini
  • Jonathan Doelman
  • Elke Stehfest
  • Michael Wogerer
  • Tamás Krisztin


  • Tingting Wang
  • Fubao Sun

Growing Seasons

  • Sara Minoli
  • Jonas Jägermeyr
  • Christoph Müller

Inter-basin water transfer / Sea water desalinization

  • Naota Hanasaki
  • Zhipin Ai
  • Saritha Padiyedath Gopalanam

Dam locations

  • David Gernaat
  • Hester Biemans

Irrigation Techniques Shares

  • Yi Yao
ISIMIP award 2023

ISIMIP awards 2022 were given to sector coordinators having left and to modelers who provided the most complete ISIMIP3 data submission by then:

Sector coordinators having left

  • Malgorzata Golub (Lakes)
  • Anne Gädeke (Permafrost)
  • Kirsten Thonicke (Permafrost)
  • Almut Arneth (Agriculture)
  • Detlev v. Vuuren (Energy)

Maillot jaune for the most complete ISIMIP3 data submission

  • Akihito Ito, National Institute for Environmental Studies (VISIT model)
  • Hannes Müller-Schmied & Tim Trautmann, University of Frankfurt (WaterGAP2-2e model)

ISIMIP awards 2021 were given to sector coordinators having left and to modelers who performed particularly well according to the following criteria:

Sector Coordinators having left

  • Gitta Lasslop (Fire)
  • Derek Tittensor (Fisheries)

“Heaviest” Model in ISIMIP2b (in terms of data volume - 6 TB - and number of publication dates - 26)

  • Sonia Seneviratne & Wim Thiery (CLM4.5)

First data uploaded for ISIMIP3a

  • Tobias Stacke (HydroPY)

First data uploaded for ISIMIP3b

  • Jerome Guiet, Daniele Bianchi, Eric Galbraith (BOATS)

Excellent Guest Editors

  • Valentina Krysanova and Fred Hattermann (regional lakes sector, most special issues organized

Maillot vert for meeting the IPCC AR6 submission deadline with an ISIMIP3-based study:

  • Jonas Jägermeyr and Sam Rabin

Maillot à pois rouges for developing 1-km high-resolution climate forcing data)

  • Dirk Karger

... to be continued ...