Information for the model BASFOR is provided for the simulation rounds shown in the tabs below. Click on the appropriate tab to get the information for the simulation round you are interested in.
BASFOR is a BASic FORest model, with simple representation of forest biogeochemistry. Despite this, the aim is wide model applicability by simulating the impacts of a range of environmental drivers.
BASFOR simulates soil-plant-atmosphere processes of deciduous and coniferous forest stands. Interactions with the atmospheric and soil environment are simulated in some detail, as are the impacts of management: thinning and pruning. Three biogeochemical cycles are simulated: carbon, nitrogen and water. BASFOR is a one-dimensional model, so no horizontal heterogeneity of the forest is captured. BASFOR does not simulate wood quality or pests and diseases.
BASFOR has 17 state variables. Nine of those variables quantify the state of the trees and eight variables represent the soil. The tree variables are tree density, carbon pools (stems, branches, leaves, roots, reserves), foliar nitrogen and phenological state (accumulated chill days, thermal time). The soil variables are carbon and nitrogen in litter and two classes of organic matter, mineral N, water.
Inputs to the model include atmospheric CO2 concentration and time series of radiation, air temperature, precipitation, wind speed, humidity. Also required is a calendar indicating days at which the stand is thinned or pruned.
Outputs from the model include, in the default set-up, 36 different output variables: the 17 state variables plus biogeochemical fluxes (including those of greenhouse gases to and from trees and soil) and forest productivity variables (stem diameter, volume, height). This selection of output variables can be altered by the model user.