Impact model: EcoTroph

Fisheries (global)

EcoTroph is a "trophodynamic" model where ecosystem functioning is modeled as a flow of biomass up the food web through predation and ontogenetic processes. Within the framework of FISH-MIP, EcoTroph is used to model biomass of marine organisms and is implemented at global scale.

Information for the model EcoTroph is provided for the simulation rounds shown in the tabs below. Click on the appropriate tab to get the information for the simulation round you are interested in.

Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Vianney Guibourd de luzinais:, 0000-0001-9071-6069, Institut Agro Rennes-Angers (France)
Hubert du Pontavice:, Princeton University/NOAA (USA)
Additional persons involved: Hubert du Pontavice
Output Data
Experiments: (*) ssp126_nat_default, historical_nat_default, ssp585_nat_default
Climate Drivers: GFDL-ESM4, IPSL-CM6A-LR
Date: 2021-09-02
Basic information
Model Version: EcoTroph - ISIMIP3b
Model Homepage:
Model License: currently none applied
Simulation Round Specific Description: * Data in embargo period, not yet publicly available. Low trophic levels: They are represented with NetPP and mesozooplankton biomass. The later is used to estimate the transfer efficiency between trophic level 2 and 3. Temperature: Sea Surface Temperature Fishing: not included
Reference Paper: Main Reference: Pontavice H, Gascuel D, Reygondeau G, Stock C, Cheung W et al. Climate‐induced decrease in biomass flow in marine food webs may severely affect predators and ecosystem production. Global Change Biology,27,2608-2622,2021
Reference Paper: Other References:
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Additional spatial aggregation & resolution information: 1°x1°
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: annual
Input data
Simulated atmospheric climate data sets used: IPSL-CM6A-LR (ocean), GFDL-ESM4 (ocean)
Additional information about input variables: Sea Surface Temperature (tos), Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton (intpp), Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in sea water (zmeso)
Was a spin-up performed?: No
Spatial scale: Global
Spatial resolution: 1°x1°
Temporal resolution: annual
Taxonomic scope: All animal biomass from trophic level 2 to 5.5
Spatial dispersal included: No
Is fishbase used for mass-length conversion?: No
Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Hubert du Pontavice:, Princeton University/NOAA (USA)
Basic information
Reference Paper: Main Reference: Pontavice H, Gascuel D, Reygondeau G, Stock C, Cheung W et al. Climate‐induced decrease in biomass flow in marine food webs may severely affect predators and ecosystem production. Global Change Biology,27,2608-2622,2021
Reference Paper: Other References:
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Additional spatial aggregation & resolution information: 1°x1°
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: annual
Input data
Additional information about input variables: Sea Surface Temperature, Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton, Mesozooplankton biomass
Was a spin-up performed?: No
Spatial scale: Global
Spatial resolution: 1°x1°
Temporal resolution: Annual
Taxonomic scope: All animal biomass from trophic level 2 to 5.5
Spatial dispersal included: No
Is fishbase used for mass-length conversion?: No