Dynamic vegetation: Prescribed.
Nitrogen limitation: Determined by the leaf C:N ratio.
Co2 effects: CO2 regulates net assimilation ("A biochemical model of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation in leaves of C3 species." Planta 149(1): 78-90).
Light interception: The radiation transfer follows Chen et al. 1999 ("Daily canopy photosynthesis model through temporal and spatial scaling for remote sensing applications." Ecological Modelling 124(2–3): 99-119).
Phenology: Dependent on the ratio of LAI over the maximum LAI.
Water stress: Derived as the root fraction-weighted sum of water potential limit in each soil layer.
Heat stress: Temperature constraints both Vcmax (an exponential function) and stomatal conductance (a quadratic function).
Evapo-transpiration approach: Transpiraiton and canopy evaporation is derived using the Penman-Monteith equation.; soil evaporation is calculated as the product of potential evaporation and a soil moisture scalar.
Root distribution over depth: The root fraction decreases exponentially along the rooting depth.
Closed energy balance: Yes.
Coupling/feedback between soil moisture and surface temperature: The phase change of soil water depends on soil temperature.
Latent heat: Derived from ecosystem evapotranspiration.
Sensible heat: Subtracting net radiation by latent heat and ground heat.
How do you compute soil organic carbon during land use (do you mix the previous pft soc into agricultural soc)?: When land use change occurs, the previous PFT SOC is mixed into the current PFT SOC.
Do you separate soil organic carbon in pasture from natural grass?: Yes.
Do you harvest npp of crops? do you including grazing? how does harvested npp decay?: There are harvest and grazing. Harvested NPP is partitioned into three product pools, with a turnover time of 1 year,10 years, and 100 years, respectively.
How do you to treat biofuel npp and biofuel harvest?: Treated the same as crops.
Does non-harvested crop npp go to litter in your output?: Yes.