Impact model: ZooMSS

Fisheries (global)

The Zooplankton Model of Size Spectra (ZooMSS) is a functional size-spectrum model of the marine ecosystem (following Heneghan et al. 2020, 2023) to resolve phytoplankton, nine zooplankton functional groups (heterotrophic flagellates and ciliates, omnivorous and carnivorous copepods, larvaceans, euphausiids, salps, chaetognaths and jellyfish) and three size-based fish groups. Zooplankton functional groups are resolved using their body-size ranges, size- based feeding characteristics and carbon content, and the zooplankton community emerges from the model across global environmental gradients, depending on the functional traits of the different groups.

Information for the model ZooMSS is provided for the simulation rounds shown in the tabs below. Click on the appropriate tab to get the information for the simulation round you are interested in.

Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Jason Everett:, 0000-0002-6681-8054, University of Queensland (Australia)
Anthony Richardson:, 0000-0002-9289-7366, University of Queensland (Australia)
Additional persons involved: Ryan Heneghan (
Output Data
Experiments: picontrol_nat_default, ssp126_nat_default, historical_nat_default, ssp585_nat_default
Climate Drivers: GFDL-ESM4, IPSL-CM6A-LR
Date: 2021-08-11
Basic information
Model Output License: CC0
Simulation Round Specific Description: * Data in embargo period, not yet publicly available.
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Horizontal resolution: 0.5’ x 0.5’
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: annual
Input data
Simulated atmospheric climate data sets used: IPSL-CM6A-LR (ocean), GFDL-ESM4 (ocean)
Climate variables: chl, tos
Exceptions to Protocol
Exceptions: NA
Was a spin-up performed?: No
Spin-up design: NA
Natural Vegetation
Natural vegetation partition: NA
Natural vegetation dynamics: NA
Natural vegetation cover dataset: NA
Soil layers: NA
Management & Adaptation Measures
Management: NA
Extreme Events & Disturbances
Key challenges: NA
Additional comments: NA
Defining features: High resolution of zooplankton functional groups.
Spatial scale: Global
Spatial resolution: 1 degree
Temporal scale: 1950-2100
Temporal resolution: Annual
Taxonomic scope: 9 Zooplankton Groups, 3 Fish Groups
Vertical resolution: NA
Spatial dispersal included: NA
Is fishbase used for mass-length conversion?: No
Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Jason Everett:, 0000-0002-6681-8054, University of Queensland (Australia)
Anthony Richardson:, 0000-0002-9289-7366, University of Queensland (Australia)
Additional persons involved: Ryan Heneghan (
Output Data
Experiments: nobc_historical_wo-diaz_no-fishing, nobc_rcp26_wo-diaz_no-fishing, nobc_rcp85_wo-diaz_no-fishing
Climate Drivers: GFDL-ESM2M, IPSL-CM5A-LR and CESM1-BGC (historical and future)
Date: 2021-09-30
Basic information
Model Version: Version 2 (v2)
Model Output License: CC0
Model Homepage:
Model License: GNU General Public License v3.0
Simulation Round Specific Description: * Data in embargo period, not yet publicly available.
Reference Paper: Main Reference: Heneghan R, Everett J, Sykes P, Batten S, Edwards M, Takahashi K, Suthers I, Blanchard J, Richardson A et al. A functional size-spectrum model of the global marine ecosystem that resolves zooplankton composition. Ecological Modelling,435,109265,2020
Reference Paper: Other References:
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Horizontal resolution: 0.5’ x 0.5’
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: annual
Input data
Simulated atmospheric climate data sets used: CESM1-BGC (ocean), GFDL-ESM2M (ocean), IPSL-CM5A-LR (ocean)
Climate variables: phyc, phyc-vint, tos
Exceptions to Protocol
Exceptions: NA
Was a spin-up performed?: No
Spin-up design: NA
Natural Vegetation
Natural vegetation partition: NA
Natural vegetation dynamics: NA
Natural vegetation cover dataset: NA
Soil layers: NA
Management & Adaptation Measures
Management: NA
Extreme Events & Disturbances
Key challenges: NA
Additional comments: NA
Defining features: High resolution of zooplankton functional groups.
Spatial scale: Global
Spatial resolution: 1 degree
Temporal scale: 1970-2100
Temporal resolution: Annual
Taxonomic scope: 9 Zooplankton Groups, 3 Fish Groups
Vertical resolution: NA
Spatial dispersal included: No
Is fishbase used for mass-length conversion?: No
Simulated ocean climate data sets used: GFDL-ESM2M (ocean), IPSL-CM5A-LR (ocean)