Impact model: JULES-ES-55


JULES model Earth System configuration based on the land-surface of UKESM1. JULES at vn5.5 and includes TRIP rivers, landuse, dynamic vegetation (TRIFFID - on a daily timestep) and the nitrogen cycle.

Information for the model JULES-ES-55 is provided for the simulation rounds shown in the tabs below. Click on the appropriate tab to get the information for the simulation round you are interested in.

Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Camilla Mathison:, 0000-0002-6269-4605, UK Met Office (UK)
Additional persons involved: Camilla Mathison
Output Data
Experiments: VI, VII
Climate Drivers: None
Date: 2021-03-16
Basic information
Model Version: 5.5
Model Output License: CC BY 4.0
Model Homepage:
Model License: JULES is available to anyone for non-commercial use, free of charge. Noting the JULES licence conditions, the JULES Fair Use and Publication Policy and the MOSRS user terms and conditions.
Simulation Round Specific Description: Paper on UKESM1 which includes the Earth System configuration of JULES.
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Horizontal resolution: 0.5°x0.5°
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: daily
Temporal resolution of input data: co2: annual
Temporal resolution of input data: land use/land cover: annual
Temporal resolution of input data: soil: constant
Input data
Simulated atmospheric climate data sets used: IPSL-CM5A-LR, HadGEM2-ES, GFDL-ESM2M, MIROC5
Observed atmospheric climate data sets used: EWEMBI
Emissions data sets used: Atmospheric CO2 concentration
Other human influences data sets used: Nitrogen deposition (ISIMIP2)
Other data sets used: Land-sea mask
Additional input data sets: TRIP river ancillary.
Climate variables: huss, sfcWind, tasmax, tas, tasmin, rlds, rsds, ps, pr
Additional information about input variables: tasmax and tasmin used to calculate tas_range, which is input into the model.
Was a spin-up performed?: Yes
Spin-up design: 500 spinup cycles of 20 years starting from 1861.
Model set-up specifications
How do you simulate bioenergy? i.e. what pft do you simulate on bioenergy land?: No
How do you simulate the transition from cropland to bioenergy?: No
How do you simulate pasture (which pft)?: Yes we use c3 and c4 grasses.
Key model processes
Dynamic vegetation: Yes, a competed fractional cover and canopy height of PFTs are simulated by the TRIFFID vegetation dynamics (Cox, 2001)
Nitrogen limitation: Yes via the inclusion of interactive nitrogen cycling in the terrestrial carbon cycle
Co2 effects: Yes via the terrestrial carbon cycle
Light interception: The canopy radiation scheme includes an exponential decline of leaf N with canopy height proportional to LAI, following Beer’s law.
Light utilization: Photosynthesis is simulated using the scheme of Clark et al. (2011) updated in Harper et al. (2016).
Phenology: Phenology is simulated interactively using the scheme of Clark et al. (2011)
Heat stress: No although photosynthesis may slow down when outside of optimum temperature range as soon as temperatures are back in optimum range photosynthesis continues as before.
Differences in rooting depth: Yes, this is different for each pft
Root distribution over depth: An exponential root distribution with depth is assumed, with e-folding depth which depends on the pft
Coupling/feedback between soil moisture and surface temperature: Yes
Latent heat: Yes
Sensible heat: Yes
Causes of mortality in vegetation models
Fire: No
NBP components
Fire: No
Land-use change: Yes
Land-use change implementation
Is shifting cultivation included?: No
Fire modules
Aggregation of reported burnt area: No
Land-use classes allowed to burn: No
Included fire-ignition factors: No
Is fire ignition implemented as a random process?: No
Is human influence on fire ignition and/or suppression included? how?: No
How is fire spread/extent modelled?: No
Are deforestation or land clearing fires included?: No
What is the minimum burned area fraction at grid level?: No