Impact model: LPJmL5-7-10-fire


This model version combines recent changes to the default LPJmL version (5.7.10) with recent updates to the Spitfire model, that are not yet part of the default version of LPJmL. Compared to earlier rounds of ISIMIP, this version includes a representation of the nitrogen cycle. Note that this version differs from the LPJmL version used for the agriculture sector in ISIMIP 3a & 3b.

Information for the model LPJmL5-7-10-fire is provided for the simulation rounds shown in the tabs below. Click on the appropriate tab to get the information for the simulation round you are interested in.

Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Sebastian Ostberg:, 0000-0002-2368-7015, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (Germany)
Additional persons involved: Luke Oberhagemann, Maik Billing & Markus Drüke (Spitfire update)
Basic information
Model Version: 5.7.10-fire
Reference Paper: Main Reference: Wirth S, Braun J, Heinke J, Ostberg S, Rolinski S, Schaphoff S, Stenzel F, von Bloh W, Müller C et al. Biological nitrogen fixation of natural and agricultural vegetation simulated with LPJmL 5.7.9. EGUsphere [preprint],None,,2024
Reference Paper: Other References:
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Horizontal resolution: 0.5°x0.5°
Vertically resolved: Yes
Number of vertical layers: 5 hydrologically active soil layers
Additional spatial aggregation & resolution information: We use a mask prescribing the continental fraction of each cell. Use provided "cellarea" and "contfrac" outputs for aggregation over multiple cells.
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: daily
Temporal resolution of input data: co2: annual
Temporal resolution of input data: land use/land cover: annual
Temporal resolution of input data: soil: constant
Person responsible for model simulations in this simulation round
Sebastian Ostberg:, 0000-0002-2368-7015, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (Germany)
Additional persons involved: Luke Oberhagemann, Maik Billing & Markus Drüke (Spitfire update)
Output Data
Experiments: (*) obsclim_1901soc_1901co2, obsclim_2015soc_1901co2, obsclim_nat_default, obsclim_2015soc_default, counterclim_histsoc_default, counterclim_histsoc_obsco2, obsclim_histsoc_1901co2, counterclim_nat_default, counterclim_1901soc_default, counterclim_2015soc_default, obsclim_1901soc_default, obsclim_histsoc_default, obsclim_histsoc_nofire
Climate Drivers: 20CRV3, 20CRV3-ERA5, 20CRV3-W5E5, GSWP3-W5E5
Date: 2024-01-23
Basic information
Model Version: 5.7.10-fire
Model Output License: CC0
Model License: AGPL-3.0 license
Simulation Round Specific Description: Please cite both reference papers listed below since there is no single paper describing the model version used in ISIMIP3a.
Reference Paper: Main Reference: Wirth S, Braun J, Heinke J, Ostberg S, Rolinski S, Schaphoff S, Stenzel F, von Bloh W, Müller C et al. Biological nitrogen fixation of natural and agricultural vegetation simulated with LPJmL 5.7.9. EGUsphere [preprint],None,,2024
Reference Paper: Other References:
Spatial aggregation: regular grid
Horizontal resolution: 0.5°x0.5°
Vertically resolved: Yes
Number of vertical layers: 5 hydrologically active soil layers
Additional spatial aggregation & resolution information: We use a mask prescribing the continental fraction of each cell. Use provided "cellarea" and "contfrac" outputs for aggregation over multiple cells.
Temporal resolution of input data: climate variables: daily
Temporal resolution of input data: co2: annual
Temporal resolution of input data: land use/land cover: annual
Temporal resolution of input data: soil: constant
Input data
Observed atmospheric climate data sets used: GSWP3-W5E5 (ISIMIP3a), 20CRv3, 20CRv3-ERA5, 20CRv3-W5E5
Emissions data sets used: Atmospheric composition (ISIMIP3a)
Socio-economic data sets used: National, gridded historical population
Land use data sets used: Historical, gridded land use
Additional input data sets: Lake area fraction based on GLWD, modified version of GGCMI phase 3 crop calendar, CRU land-sea mask (corresponds to ISIMIP landseamask_water-global except for 1 cell), continental fraction based on GADM, soil data based on HWSD
Climate variables: huss, sfcWind, tasmax, tas, tasmin, rsds, pr
Additional information about input variables: long wave net radiation calculated from long wave downwelling radiation and mean temperature
Exceptions to Protocol
Exceptions: Landuse input provided by ISIMIP was extended further back in time for model spinup in "histsoc" experiments to avoid artefacts of long-running constant landuse. "1901soc" and "2015oc" experiments used constant landuse also for spinup as prescribed by protocol.
Was a spin-up performed?: Yes
Spin-up design: First spinup without any human forcing for 3500 years followed by transitional run of 400 years with human forcing (either constant (1901soc, 2015soc), or transient (histsoc) or no human forcing (nat)). No-fire sensitivity experiment also does not use fire during spinup and transitional run.
Natural Vegetation
Natural vegetation partition: Dynamic vegetation composition for natural vegetation
Natural vegetation dynamics: Bioclimatic limits determine whether PFTs can establish. Established PFTs compete for light, water and nitrogen and are also affected by disturbance, e.g. fire.
Soil layers: From top to bottom: 20 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 100 cm, 100 cm.
Management & Adaptation Measures
Management: Prescribed (constant) sowing dates and prescribed PHU requirements (transient over time) for annual crops. N fertilizer application according to ISIMIP input. Irrigation possible on irrigated areas according to landuse input and based on dynamically calculated irrigation requirements and water availability. Effects of tillage on croplands included in simulations. Prescribed constant livestock density on pastures. Note: Landuse fractions in ISIMIP input refer to the grid area and have been rescaled based on our continental area fraction mask.
Extreme Events & Disturbances
Key challenges: No effects of pests or water logging. Fire disturbance simulated on natural vegetation and pastures. No fires on cropland. Frost damage possible for annual crops.
Fire-specific input data sets
What input datasets are used in the fire model and what are they used for?: population density and an input describing human ignitions per individual per day to calculate human-based ignition events; lightning ignitions
What is the time step of the fire model?: daily
What is the time step of the exchange between fire and vegetation model? e.g. are carbon pools and cover fractions updated every day?: Fire mortality and PFT fractions are updated annually; fuels are updated daily.
Burnt Area
What are the main components of burned area computation?: Number of ignition events, fire danger (based on water vapour pressure deficit), rate of spread (based on fuel load characteristics and wind speed)
Which sources of ignition are included?: lightning; human-caused
Is fire ignition implemented as a random process?: no
How are natural ignitions implemented? which data is used and how is it scaled?: daily fire danger index multiplied by daily lightning ignitions, assuming a cloud-to-ground ratio of lightning flashes of 0.2 and a lightning efficiency in starting fires of 0.04
Is human influence on fire ignition and/or suppression included? how?: No human fire suppression, local population density influences human-caused ignitions
If human ignitions are included for which conditions are the ignitions highest/lowest?: Human ignitions are lowest for very high and very low population density, human ignitions are highest for medium population densities
Spread and duration
How does fire spread?: Fire spread is calculated according to the Rothermel equation. Fires spread in elliptic shapes, depending on average wind speed.
How is fire duration computed?: Fire duration depends on model-internal fire danger index (sigmoid shape dependency), minimum and maximum are fixed model parameters
Fuel load and combustion
How does the model compute fuel load?: Fuel load calculations are based on the dynamic vegetation; dead fuels comprise carbon of dead trees, litter and cured grass; live fuel comprise living grasses
List of fuel classes (full names and abbreviations): 1hr (1h fuels), 10hr (10h fuels), 100 hr (100h fuels), 1000hr (1000h fuels), live grass (live grass)
Is fuel moisture linked to soil moisture/air humidity/precip?: Dead fuel moisture is linked to litter moisture; live fuel moisture (grasses) depends on a growing season index.
Which carbon pools are combusted?: all fuel classes
Is the combustion completeness constant or depends on what (fuel type, moisture?): Combustion depends on fuel type and surface fire intensity
What is the minimum/maximum burned area fraction at grid cell level? over which time period? : maximum burned area fraction = 100% - inland water body fraction - cropland fraction
Land-cover classes allowed to burn: natural vegetation, pastures
Is burned area computed separately for each pft? if not how is burned area separated into the pft-burned area? : PFTs grow together on a stand/tile with a shared litter/dead fuel layer, and burned area is calculated for that stand/tile. Burned area is not separated into PFT-specific burned area.
Are peatland fires included?: no
Are deforestation or land clearing fires included?: no
How are pastures represented?: Only grass PFTs grow on prescribed pastures. Livestock grazing as pasture management. No specific fire management on pastures
If croplands burn, does the fire model differ for this pft? if yes please describe.: no fires on cropland
If pastures burn, does the fire model differ for his pft? if yes, please describe: no, same fire model as for natural vegetation
Fire mortality
Vegetation fire mortality: is it constant/constant per pft/depends on (for instance fire intensity, bark thickness, veg height): Post fire mortality depends on fire intensity, tree height and bark thickness