Dynamic vegetation: Yes, forest dynamics emerge from interactions between individual tree cohorts. Establishment, growth and mortality are simulated explicitly and are influenced by environmental conditions (availability of light, water, nutrients).
Nitrogen limitation: Yes, nitrogen limitation is considered via a growth-reduction factor (i.e. nitrogen limitation decreases tree growth, depending on species-specific nitrogen demand).
Co2 effects: No
Light interception: Yes, light interception through the canopy is simulated via the Beer-Lambert law.
Water stress: Yes, water stress is represented via a drought-index (depending on site-specific soil water holding capacity, precipitation and topography).
Heat stress: No
Evapo-transpiration approach: Thornthwaite and Mather (1957)
Carbon allocation: Tree growth is simulated for each cohort using the carbon budget model by Moore (1989) modified according to the constraints by soil moisture, degree-day sum, nitrogen availability, light availability, and crown length
Regeneration/planting: Yes, both natural regeneration and planting can be represented
Soil water balance: Yes, a site-specific water balance is calculated (see Bugmann and Cramer, 1998, Forest Ecology and Management 103)