Derived Output

Access the derived output data in the ISIMIP repository

The Derived Output Data category on the Data Portal contains data products generated from the original ISIMIP model outputs. These datasets are not described in the ISIMIP protocol and do not necessarily follow our full file format conventions. Instead, they are linked to a specific publication, where a detailed description of the data, and how it was created can be found. A brief summary is also given on the DOI page for the data product.

This is the list of all derived output data sets available from the ISIMIP data portal:

  • Land area and population fractions exposed to extreme climate impact events
    The data covers the following six extreme climate impact events: crop failures, drought, heatwaves, river floods, tropical cyclones and wildfire, and are provided on a global 0.5° grid and in annual time steps.
    (Lange, S. et al. (2020): Land area fractions and population fractions exposed to extreme climate impact events derived from ISIMIP2b output data (v1.0).
  • Pre-processed and bias-adjusted yield changes data from ISIMIP3b simulations of the Agriculture Sector
    Processing steps included:
    - Removing harvests of crops that have not reached maturity (i.e. for crop models that track maturity status, yield is set to 0 in case less than 80% of accumulated heat units required for maturity are reached) 
    - Discard data with growing season length < 50 days (yield set to NA in that case)
    - Harvest events are sorted into annual time series
    - Winter and spring wheat combined
    - Rice 1 and rice 2 combined
    - Rained and irrigated yields combined
    - Fractional changes calculated from total production of each crop per grid cell and year
    (Jonas Jägermeyr et. al. (2024): Pre-processed and bias-adjusted yield data from ISIMIP3b simulations of the Agriculture Sector (v1.0).