Simulation Protocols

Current versions of our protocols, divided by simulation round, and the tracking of all changes they have gone through.

ISIMIP3 protocol

ISIMIP3a focuses on impact model evaluation and improvement, and on detection and attribution of observed impacts according to the framework of the IPCC WGII-AR5 Chapter 18. ISIMIP3b is about GCM-based quantification of climate-related risks at different levels of climate change and socio-economic conditions.

ISIMIP2a protocol

Focus on model validation, in particular with respect to the representation of impacts of extreme weather events and climate variability. Includes a common global observational climate data set and a global observational impacts data set, against which the models can be bench marked.

ISIMIP2b protocol

Focuses on providing robust information about the impacts of 1.5°C global warming and related low-emission pathways, as required for the IPCC Special Report on this topic. Preindustrial control runs are included to facilitate statistical comparison with a no-climate-change case.

FastTrack protocol

CLOSED: For documentation only - do not use for simulations!

Focus on providing cross-sectorally consistent projections of the impacts of different levels of global warming in the 21st century. First ISIMIP simulation round.